If you're looking to draw a rectangle on a canvas, you can use techniques we've looked at before to simply draw four lines at right angles. But you don't need to; there are build in methods to do this for you.
The Blink tag died recently, when it's last supporting browser, Firefox, quietly dropped support with the release of Firefox 23. It was conceived by Lou Montulli in the summer of 1994 at St. James Infirmary, a local bar on Castro street in Mountain View. The Blink Tag came to the world when an engineer took Lou's conceived idea and brought it to life the next day. It was quietly released to the world in Netscape 1.0.
Today, we'll take a look at the figure and figcaption element in HTML5. The figure element is used to hold data that is a complete unit, and is related to and referenced by the surrounding content.
Previously, we had looked at the basics of drawing on the canvas- setting line styles, gradients, and stroking lines. But drawing straight lines doesn't help us if we're looking to draw a curve. We'll look at the bezierCurveTo() and quadraticCurveTo() of the context object.
Today, we are going to study the footer element in HTML5. The footer typically contains copyright notices, author, related links such as disclaimers or other similar data.
Today, we are going to study the aside element in HTML5. The aside element is used to represent contents that are indirectly related to surrounding content. The content inside the aside element can be considered as independent content.